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Mercia HUngarian tour includes NOHAB

Geplaatst: 17 jul 2013, 17:06
door M40.216

Below is a brief outline of the Mercia tour to Hungary over the weekend of 5th and 6th of October.

We welcome participation from enthusiasts from all Countries, if you are interested in participanting please email directly ( and I can provide all the information as a pdf file and also let you know the fare and details for paying directly to us in Euro's.

Saturday 5th October

Requested route: Budapest Keleti – Tarnok – Gardony – Székesfehérvár – Szabadbattyán (rev) – Börgönd – Pusztaszabolcs (rev) – Adony – Dunaújváros steel plant – Dunaújváros port – Mezőfalva – Paks nuclear plant – Mezőfalva – Rétszilas – Sárbogárd – Székesfehérvár – Budapest Keleti

Requested traction: 1 x ex-BR Class 56, assisted by a Dunaújváros Steel Works locomotive

Sunday 6th October

Requested route: Budapest Keleti – Ferencváros – Soroksár Út – Csepel free port (rev) – Soroksár Út – Kobanya Felso – Rakos (rev) – Rakosszentmihaly – Istvatelek – God – Vac – Szob (rev, visit narrow gauge) – Vac – Vacratot – Istvantelek – Rakosszentmihaly (rev) – Rakosrendezo (rev) – into museum, visit, rev – Rakosrendezo – Zuglo – Kobanya Felso (rev) – Budapest Keleti

Requested traction: 1 x ex-CFR Type 60 and 1 x M61 NOHAB, assisted by a MÁV M44

Both days feature lines that have not been covered by a passenger train previously.

In connection with the above tours we are pleased to announce we are able to offer an inclusive hotel accommodation package with passengers staying in the 3 star Baross Panzio, adjacent to Budapest Keleti station on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. This will be on a Bed and Breakfast basis only, in twin bed rooms.


If booked before 6th September

Individual day – £145 per person
Joint fare for both days - £265 per person
Joint train and hotel package - £355 per person
Single room supplement - £60

If booked after 6th September

Individual Day – £190 per person
Joint fare for both days - £315 per person
Joint train and hotel package - Not available
Single room supplement - Not available

Please note we have a limited number of rooms which will be allocated on a first come first served basis on receipt of booking. We cannot accept reservations in advance of a booking being received. Also if you wish to share with a particular person please ensure you state this on your booking form. Unfortunately we are unable to offer any rooms before or after the tour at our hotel.

See our website ( for the full details and booking form.



Re: Mercia HUngarian tour includes NOHAB

Geplaatst: 04 sep 2013, 11:48
door M40.216

We have reviewed the level of bookings for the tour and currently require approximately 17 additional bookings to run the train.

This figure does not include anything sent in in the last week.

If you have booked in the last week, if you are in the process of booking, or now wish to book please contact me by email as soon as possible.

Note the hotel package will not be available after this weekend.



Re: Mercia HUngarian tour includes NOHAB

Geplaatst: 07 sep 2013, 09:24
door M40.216
I am pleased to announce "The Things Past" is running in Hungary over the weekend of 5th and 6th of October despite rumours circulating to the contrary!

Due to the lower than expected number of bookings we have unfortunately had to alter the Sunday train slightly by removing one locomotive, which one at this stage is uncertain but will be either the M61 NOHAB or ex-Romanian Type 60. This removal will have a small impact on the routing due to the number of reversals. We had a choice of doing this or cancelling the train so have chosen to run the train as this is the lesser of the 2 evils

Once we have clarification of the associated costs for either locomotive we will advise which one will be dropped, this is likely to be provided when the tickets and timings are issued, however please keep checking our website for updates. Should sufficient extra bookings be received above those that have been, or are promised then of course we will look to reinstate the locomotive.

Hopefully you can understand why we have chosen the above route and hope this change will not be too much of an inconvenience.

We have also decided to wave the higher fares and will now accept any further bookings at the lower fare of £145 per day or £265 for the weekend. Please note can no longer accept any bookings for the hotel option.

I can also add, on Sunday we will be visiting both narrow gauge railways mentioned in the original advertising.

Please feel free to forward this information to anyone you think may still be interested in joining us.
